Five Things From: Seven Deadly Sins 3×6, The Chief Holy Knight Atones For His Sins

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 3 episode 6 of Seven Deadly Sins, The Chief Holy Knight Atones For His Sins (what a terrible name for an episode that is, it’s like something from One Piece). Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Hendrickson

Right…they went about redeeming Hendrickson in a very easy way in my opinion. Oh, he was possessed the whole time so had no control over what he was doing. It just felt like the easy option. I did however love the white outfit that Hendrickson now sports. That was a very cool look. I just feel like he isn’t really atoning if he didn’t actually choose to do the bad things in the first place.

2. Jobs

You did have to feel sorry for Hendrickson though when he revealed what job he was made to do when he was younger. Making a child sit and guard corpses until they have decomposed is awful; that’s a job that would be terrible for anyone, let alone a child. Then because he didn’t do it right, they kicked him out of the town! Who are these awful people.

3. Power Levels

Near the end of the episode, the team reflected on how their combined power levels would only just be enough to beat one of the Ten Commandments and would stand no chance if they battled them all together. Interestingly, King has a higher power level than Meliodas which surprised me as he has always been presented as the strongest. Also, they were counting Ban and Merlin in their calculations which was a bit optimistic. Ban has made it clear that he is off on his own for a while (he will presumably rejoin later on but still) and Merlin is still stone which is apparently extremely hard to reverse. Her soul is somehow now stuck in a magic cube so that she can still communicate and drop functional exposition when needed.

4. Checkov’s Bracelet

Gowther is back in human form and revealed that he now has a restraint bracelet to keep his powers in check. They have to be implementing the “Checkov’s Gun theory here”: the idea from playwright Checkov that if you establish a character has a gun earlier in the play, it is surely going to be fired at some point. You have to know that the restraint bracelet is coming off again sooner or later!

5. Memories

Why are they punishing people for getting invested in the Diane-King love story, I get that you need to have obstacles, ups and downs but I just want to see them happy. I just hope they don’t drag her memory loss out for too long! It is so much better than the awful Meliodas-Elizabeth romance.