Five Things From: Seven Deadly Sins 3×12, Where Love is Found

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at the third episode of Seven Deadly Sins season 3, Where Love is Found. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Harsh

We still haven’t seen many of the Ten Commandments do all that much but with the vitriol they put into everything they say about Meliodas, it makes it clear to what extent they are willing to go. Throwing out words like “eradicate” and “annihilation” makes it very easy to interpret how they are feeling. These guys are ruthless killers and there is going to be a lot of collateral damage when they do take action. They are really building these guys up as immensely powerful. They just need to make sure they don’t become one-dimensional . There’s ten of them so some inevitably will but you can easily elevate at least half of them to more layered characters in the next few episodes.

2. Disguises

I still haven’t learnt (and probably will never manage to) the names of all of the Ten Commandments but so I’ll just have to go about describing them by how they look. They set off across the land looking ready to cause havoc and seem to have no interest in disguising themselves. One is basically a naked lady protecting her modesty with some purple shadows and she was just swanning around the town with nobody looking overly confused. The town can’t be filled with that many perverts that nobody would say anything!

3. Subtitles

Watching this on Netflix with the closed captions, an amusing mistake caught my eye. They mistakenly wrote “defeat” as “to feed”. You thought someone would double check these.

4. Hawk

Hawk got quite the transformation and his self confidence makes him so loveable. He really is the most consistently charming and likeable character in the show. He now has dragon scales and horns which he just about has the charisma to carry off! He acquired by eating his way out of an enormous dragon’s stomach and I wholeheartedly accept that to be true. I don’t question how that was able to happen at all.

5. Love

I’m not sure if it was a confirmed revelation or just a character suggesting it but it was said that Elizabeth is the reincarnation of Meliodas’ old love Liz and that is why he has such strong feelings for her. If that is the case, does it not cheapen both the feelings he has and also the character of Elizabeth as a whole. Alternatively, you could look as it as Meliodas and Liz’s love was so pure and strong that it was able to last lifetimes which is unarguably romantic. That would work better though if we were more invested in Liz than Elizabeth as a character. I’m intrigued to see how this plays out.

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