Five Things From: Modern Family 3×24, Baby on Board

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 3 episode 24 of Modern Family, Baby on Board. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. I’m imagining it

Early on in the episode, Cam was helping Lily to get ready for her dance recital and honestly, it seemed that Cam was more excited about it than Lily. He was spinning around when Mitchell quipped about it looked like he was about to transform into Wonder Woman. Cam was imagining it and so was I. sadly, it did not happen.

2. No Fear

You had to feel slightly sorry for Alex when her parents made it clear how they were almost too fine with the idea of her going to prom. It didn’t come across as that they just really trusted her, it was like she was incapable of getting into any trouble even if she wanted too. They need to be careful as that could lead to some rebellious behaviour from Alex to prove them wrong.

3. Measurements

I will now be using “pigger” to the list of units of measurement that I will use and acknowledge. In spite of that, referring to a bed as a “double pigger” doesn’t conjure up the nicest of images.

4. What an entrance that would have been

Of Course Phil made sure that he got an extravagant entrance to his school prom and that proud memory has stayed with him for many years. His “all the cool kids were totally laughing with us” line perfectly exemplified both his naivety and charming optimism brilliantly.

5. Gloria

To cut a long story short, Gloria found out that she was pregnant again. Honestly, I think trying to watch Jay deal with a baby will be much more entertaining than seeing Mitchell and Cam get another one. I struggled to totally sympathise with them as it wasn’t like they didn’t have a baby already. Some people can’t even get one! Another Jay highlight that I need to mention is a continuation of a moment from a previous episode: Jay still loves the Spanish soap opera that Gloria got him hooked on!