Five Things From: Seven Deadly Sins 3×8, The Druid’s Holy Land

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 3 episode 8 of the Seven Deadly Sins, The Druid’s Holy Land. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Gowther

I’m just going to say it straight; why the hell is Gowther still welcome on this team? They have done way too much to hurt the other members and are a liability to put it mildly. They have become really unlikeable and although I don’t want to throw the word irredeemable out there, they will have to do an awful lot to win people’s trust back in any lasting way.

2. Human?

At one point, a group of demons were described as looking humanlike…how is that accurate when one of them was Galand? They look like a giant, red scorpion demon! I know that some of the armour designs are on the larger and more extravagant side but still! I would definitely not called Galand in all there are, particularly humanlike.

3. Mom

Does Hawk’s mom have a name? They all just call her “Hawk’s mom” which was actually quite amusing as it was said deadpan and seriously. Part of me would like them to just keep referring to her as such and it is fun to see her becoming more of a character in her own right, rather than just being a one-dimensional mode of transport.

4. Druid Chiefs

This episode introduced us to the druid chiefs who consisted of two ladies and a big, strong boy called Theo. Let me tell you, Theo did not look 15 at all! I’m intrigued how big a role they play going forward. They don’t need to go down the path of Elizabeth being jealous of how the girls treat Meliodas because I really don’t care. I have never been invested in her and Meliodas as the romantic leads. King and Diane; that’s the ship I’m on board for!

5. Derieri

I know very little about this demon but they have a very cool name. Sure, we would all love a bit of character development but at the moment, having a badass sounding name ranks you pretty high amongst the ten commandments.

(A little bit on the negative side is this review but I still enjoyed parts of the episode. Let’s see what next time brings.)

Five Things From: Modern Family 4×5, Open House of Horrors

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking at season 4 episode 5 of Modern Family, Open House of Horrors. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Horror

We all know that Claire is a big fan of Halloween but her enthusiasm has come back to bite her this time. In a short flashback, she definitely made things a little to gory and visceral for the small children trick or treating at her house. She even gave that one poor man a heart attack! Phil argued, saying that all she did was make a bit of spit and pee come out of him. He claimed that a similar thing happens with him when he sees monkeys in people clothes…erm, ok.

2. Royal Pains

Lily really wanted to dress up as a princess for Halloween and it was revealed to be because she was told by Mitchell that her real mum was a princess. The honest talk they had with her at the end was poignant and sweet but they should have had that talk as soon as she started asking about her mum. If they hadn’t had lied, that bird would have still been alive…apparently.

3. Jay

Just no Jay no. Don’t try and be flirty with the much younger police officer. It made him come across as rather creepy. I know there is the ongoing story with Jay struggling to come to terms with his age but having him awkwardly flirt with young police officers is not the way to make you sympathise with him. His fancy dress costume, coined “Medieval Knievel was spot on.

4. Rudeness

Those two teens who turned up to trick or treat at Jay and Gloria’s were very rude. Not only were their skeleton and lemon costumes basic at best, they were extremely rude saying that Gloria looked too old to be pregnant. Whatever age she should be, she looks good for it and also I don’t think she is too old to be having a baby. Jay, arguably but not Gloria.

5. Ending on a high-note

Manny trying to get in with the cool kids and ending up getting egged by his own mother was hilarious and also taught him an important lesson to not try and get in with people solely based around you thinking that they’re cool.

Five Things From: The Owl House 2×16, Hollow Mind

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 2 episode 16 of The Owl House, Hollow Mind. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. A Half-Century Reign

We found out that Emperor Belos has been in charge of the Boiling Isles for 50 years! This was given as the reason as to why many people weren’t jumping on Luz’s words about Belos being evil. They didn’t just have the people seem ignorant or dismissive; I liked that they gave a reasoning to why they weren’t all rallying in outrage. King worded it very well when saying, “No one wants to think they’ve wasted their life following the wrong person”. That is both true and rather sad.

2. What a Command

When trying to detain a masked group of vigilantes (who we didn’t get to see but I think Raine has something to do with it), Hunter made quite the order. I want to know if “I forbid you to flee” would ever actually work in any situation.

3. Backstory

This episode gave us lots of backstory on Belos and it was all very dramatic. Focussing in more on Luz’s horror as she realised how everything played out and connected together was very well done. Even if you weren’t overly surprised yourself, you still felt the emotion through Luz as she is such an investible character.

4. The Mystery of the Golden Guard

They did manage however to throw in some more mystery and intrigue in regard to the history of the Golden Guard. Hunter is not the nephew of Belos like he was led to believe. They also suggested that Belos kills the Golden Guards as they all end up turning on him eventually. Hunter looks the most like whoever Belos based him on and they are saying that he is something called a Grim Walker…I have so many questions but am very intrigued. It just adds another layer of sinisterness to Belos who could have been in danger of just being a generic dictator.

5. The Collector

Who is this mysterious collector being who was talking to Belos. It was very childlike and playful. It reminded me of a similar entity seen in the Full Metal Alchemist anime. How much is Belos pulling the strings here? Is the collector the one with all of the real power? Overall a damn fine episode!

Five Things From: The Owl House 2×15, Them’s the Breaks, Kid

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 2 episode 15 of The Owl House, Them’s the Breaks, Kid. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Key Notes

Luz was experimenting with various glyphs at the start of the episode and was making notes about them in her notebook. One of the notes simply read “petrification-bad”. We then saw that she had a petrified figure that she had practiced on. I hope that it was a toy and not a small, innocent creature that she had practiced on! Also, Hooty ate a demon’s arm and nobody batted an eye! I’m pretty sure it was still attached to the rest of it too!

2. Faust

We spent the majority of the episode in a flashback, looking back at Eda’s time at Hexside school for witches. We met Headteacher Faust and he was a truly terrifying being. Credit to the art department because his design was great! He was extremely strict and had an issue with the squeakiness of shoes, although it was actually the squeaky ones he preferred! How can you trust shoes that don’t squeak?

3. Lateness

Faust also earned himself the line of the episode. His expectations were so high that he wasn’t even happy with the students arriving on time! In his eyes, being on time is the beginning of the road to being late. Is he wrong?

4. Threats

The head of the plant coven was making various threats this episode about turning children into mulch for her garden and poisoning people. It was funny how legitimately annoyed she was whenever she was informed that these things she was suggesting were illegal. If nobody would have warned her, I’m pretty sure that she would have followed through with at least some of these.

5. Raine

I don’t really find Raine that much of an interesting character and nothing that happened in this episode really changed that opinion. What I did pick up on however is that they use the they/them pronouns and a little research confirmed that they are a non-binary character. It is really good to see this type of representation in animated shows and I also like that it isn’t the defining trait of the character. They happen to be non-binary while being a fully formed character too. Win-win.

Five Thins From: Modern Family 4×3, Snip

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 4 episode 3 of Modern Family, Snip. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Revenge

I don’t know exactly caused psychopath-in-the-making Luke to concoct such a yogurt based plan but the mechanics of it worked perfectly. Setting up yogurt to explode all over whoever opened his locker is slightly drastic and it ended up taking Claire as it’s victim. What worked well with the gag was that they set it up early on as what you thought was a quick, throwaway gag which made it funnier when it surprisingly came back.

2. Spellings

As a teacher, I have come across many different spellings for many different names. I have never though came across a spelling of a name so unnecessary as the spelling of Joe who worked in that clothes shop: Jeoux? I mean, you do you but really?

3. Cats

It was nice to see that Cam and Mitch got a cat like they were talking about previously in the season. However, Cam made a very large jump towards crazy cat person worryingly quickly! That mermaid cat outfit was concerning. What happens to the cats back legs? Does it essentially stop the cat from walking around? Seems a bit cruel to me…

4. Goth Alex

Alex (as many of us do) was going through a goth faze. This led to her having a new friend who it turned out she didn’t really liked anyway. What elevated this from being one-note filler was the moment where Claire somehow ended up shaving a big chunk of this new friend’s hair off! It was still filler but that part was funny.

5. Vasectomy

Phil was having a vasectomy and was reasonably worried about it. The main takeaway though that the word vasectomy can be used very easily as a pun. For example, when Claire was questioning his choice to have ice cream to make him feel better, he pointed out that it was a vasectomy not a vasecta-you. Alex later declared that “this family needs a dumbass-ectomy”…quality pun content there.

Five Things From: Modern Family 4×1, Bringing up Baby

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 4 episode 1 of Modern Family, Bringing up Baby. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Jay

Jay was celebrating his 65th birthday and that means he is going to be a very old dad. I really liked how they had him think all about his “golden years” and then realise that he wasn’t ready for it yet. They could have easily gone down the route of having Jay being unsure or unhappy about the baby but him being positive and all for it just made for a nicer, warmer episode. There are times when adding in additional drama would be unnecessary and this was one of those times in my opinion.

2. Larry

Lily’s disappointment about not getting a baby brother didn’t last long and I for one think her questioning came more from just confusion rather than actually being disappointment. She then decided she wanted a cat and for it to be called Larry. A fine enough name for a cat but Cam and Mitch did not know where she had gotten the name from. Unfortunately, getting a cat was not as straightforward as they expected with them having to fill in forms and have a home visit. Surely one of them must have known someone who knew someone who had kittens to sell?

3. Luke

After not really warming to him in earlier seasons, Luke slowly transforming into a psychopathic supervillain is now one of my favourite things! He tormented Manny about the baby replacing him and told the cameraman, “sometimes I like to just throw a grenade and just walk away”.

4. Clicker

I call the tv remote control a clicker and I am in my twenties so I won’t just stand by and allow Jay to be mocked for doing so as a result of being old!

5. Flash Forward

The flashforward at the end was surprisingly effective. It skipped over the earlier stages of Gloria’s pregnancy to get to the part where fat jokes can be made and funny situations can happen. Phil’s beard was a sight to behold (the first one, not the village people/porn star second one) and Mitchell and Cam had enjoyed a lovely trip to London. It felt like a fresh start of sorts for the new season and I am very much looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Five Things From: The Owl House 2×12, Elsewhere and Elsewhen

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 2 episode 12 of The Owl House, Elsewhere and Elsewhen. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Lets take a closer look…

  1. Boards

We got a look at a notice board of sorts in Luz’s room which had a selection of various pictures, notes and messages. As well as a thoughtful message from King about remembering to drink water (he put blood first but then crossed it out), we saw that Luz needed to buy Amity a new glove…just one? Can you buy them not in a pair?

2. What’s in a name

Two points combined into one here regarding names. First of all, since when had Lilith gone by the nickname Lulu? I genuinely was sat thinking “who is this woman?” before realising that it was actually Lilith. The second part related to an elder witch known as “Flora D’esplora”. Luz said that she had questions about her name and I’m pretty sure it is the same as mine: did she steal that name from Dora the Explorer?

3. Revel Responsibly

While looking through a time pool (a much better name than a time puddle), Luz spotted a Viking group looking to revel so hard with one mentioning revelling themselves to death…whatever that means. However, later in the episode Luz takes a Viking helmet from  a skeleton. Was it the same guy? Did he actually revel himself to death? It that’s true then we all need to be very careful with ourselves!

4. Philip

Luz and Lilith met the explorer (Philip) and after this episode, he surely has to be either the Emperor or linked to the Titan in some way. He couldn’t contain his villainous betrayal though as he had to write about it immediately in his journal. If he would have kept it to himself for just a little bit longer then Luz would have been none the wiser!

5. Plot Twist

I was very surprised that since the show was doing a time travel episode, they didn’t go down the road of having them get seemingly trapped in the past or at least overtly tease it. They didn’t need to and I’m not saying that they should have but it just surprised me that it didn’t happen.

Five Things From: Modern Family 3×24, Baby on Board

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 3 episode 24 of Modern Family, Baby on Board. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. I’m imagining it

Early on in the episode, Cam was helping Lily to get ready for her dance recital and honestly, it seemed that Cam was more excited about it than Lily. He was spinning around when Mitchell quipped about it looked like he was about to transform into Wonder Woman. Cam was imagining it and so was I. sadly, it did not happen.

2. No Fear

You had to feel slightly sorry for Alex when her parents made it clear how they were almost too fine with the idea of her going to prom. It didn’t come across as that they just really trusted her, it was like she was incapable of getting into any trouble even if she wanted too. They need to be careful as that could lead to some rebellious behaviour from Alex to prove them wrong.

3. Measurements

I will now be using “pigger” to the list of units of measurement that I will use and acknowledge. In spite of that, referring to a bed as a “double pigger” doesn’t conjure up the nicest of images.

4. What an entrance that would have been

Of Course Phil made sure that he got an extravagant entrance to his school prom and that proud memory has stayed with him for many years. His “all the cool kids were totally laughing with us” line perfectly exemplified both his naivety and charming optimism brilliantly.

5. Gloria

To cut a long story short, Gloria found out that she was pregnant again. Honestly, I think trying to watch Jay deal with a baby will be much more entertaining than seeing Mitchell and Cam get another one. I struggled to totally sympathise with them as it wasn’t like they didn’t have a baby already. Some people can’t even get one! Another Jay highlight that I need to mention is a continuation of a moment from a previous episode: Jay still loves the Spanish soap opera that Gloria got him hooked on!

Five Things From: The Owl House 2×11, Follies at the Coven Day Parade

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 2 episode 11 of The Owl House, Follies at the Coven Day Parade. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Messaging

The episode started with Luz creating a message for her mum. Is her phone able to still connect with the human world. That is pretty good reception if so because I can’t imagine that the Boiling Isles is set up with 4G. Luckily, she wasn’t trying to livestream her since there were some pretty creepy and crazy things going on which Luz might want to consider editing out!

2. Amity and Willow

There was a short scene between Amity and Willow which reflected how many friendship groups in real life operate. You have those members of the group who often ended up hanging out together but not usually one on one. When it does happen, it tends to stand out as a sort of anomaly. If anyone has seen Friends, Rachel and Chandler with the cheesecake is a good example of this.

3. Hooty

Hooty is once again causing me to burst out into laughter unashamedly. The exchange in question occurred while Hooty and King were operating a large sculpture of the Emperor from inside it during the parade. One of the guards shouted “Kill the monstrosity” to which Hooty quickly quipped back, “not the first time I’ve heard that.” Self-deprecating humour at its finest.

4. Kikimura

The Emperor’s underling was back, now with added mommy issues. They teased her becoming good but then had her double down on being evil all along. She was rather easily seduced back to the side of the Emperor with promises of a promotion. She didn’t get it, instead being told that being allowed to live was her reward for not following through with her betrayal. This all come from a hedge witch called Terra whose plant themed offense sets her up to be a very interesting secondary antagonist.

5. Reveals

In what appeared to be a slightly meta moment, Willow and Gus reacted very underwhelmingly to the Emperor’s identity reveal. This was surely a nod to how the character’s face had been purposely concealed for so long with a very underwhelming payoff happening. The Emperor did also talk about the day of unity and you have to believe that is where we will reach the season finale with all sorts of magical madness kicking off. I for one can’t wait!

Five Things From: Modern Family 3×23, Tableau Vivant

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 3 episode 23 of Modern Family, Tableau Vivant. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. The Title

Thanks to high school drama I actually knew that the title was referring to a freeze frame/still image. What confused me was why this was an assignment in the way that it was presented. Why did they have to get their family involved? Did they have to make their own sets and costumes? If they did then that is a bit much but if they didn’t then what are they being judged on? It just felt like a very weird and random project.

2. Loudness

Jay went down the dangerous rabbit hole, telling Gloria that sometimes you should just lie and tell people you care about nice things and not hurt their feelings. Gloria then wanted the truth from Jay and he let it slip that he is bothered by her loudness…not all the time, just when she speaks! Gloria was mad but then responded by being mockingly quiet…it could have gone worse.

3. An ‘armless Joke

Cam and Claire had a bit of a disagreement over parenting strategies as Lilly’s behaviour seems to continue to spiral. Seriously, that girl could be a real problem when she was older. Was it a slightly cruel trick by Claire? Yes. Was it funny? Also yes.

4. Luke’s Logic

Somehow Luke ended up getting a medal for putting out a fire that he started. Knowing Luke, he probably still deserved some sort of positive acknowledgement for actually putting out the fire rather than just running away and leaving it. I loved it how he went through why he got the medal and said that if there was one for starting fires, he would have got one of those too.

5. Breakup

It turns out that Phil actually tried to break up with Claire twenty years ago but did it in such a poor way that she didn’t even realise that he had broken up with her! I want to know how long it took for Phil to fall in love with Claire after this…or is he just still stuck all these years later?🙈