Five Thins From: Modern Family 4×3, Snip

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 4 episode 3 of Modern Family, Snip. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Revenge

I don’t know exactly caused psychopath-in-the-making Luke to concoct such a yogurt based plan but the mechanics of it worked perfectly. Setting up yogurt to explode all over whoever opened his locker is slightly drastic and it ended up taking Claire as it’s victim. What worked well with the gag was that they set it up early on as what you thought was a quick, throwaway gag which made it funnier when it surprisingly came back.

2. Spellings

As a teacher, I have come across many different spellings for many different names. I have never though came across a spelling of a name so unnecessary as the spelling of Joe who worked in that clothes shop: Jeoux? I mean, you do you but really?

3. Cats

It was nice to see that Cam and Mitch got a cat like they were talking about previously in the season. However, Cam made a very large jump towards crazy cat person worryingly quickly! That mermaid cat outfit was concerning. What happens to the cats back legs? Does it essentially stop the cat from walking around? Seems a bit cruel to me…

4. Goth Alex

Alex (as many of us do) was going through a goth faze. This led to her having a new friend who it turned out she didn’t really liked anyway. What elevated this from being one-note filler was the moment where Claire somehow ended up shaving a big chunk of this new friend’s hair off! It was still filler but that part was funny.

5. Vasectomy

Phil was having a vasectomy and was reasonably worried about it. The main takeaway though that the word vasectomy can be used very easily as a pun. For example, when Claire was questioning his choice to have ice cream to make him feel better, he pointed out that it was a vasectomy not a vasecta-you. Alex later declared that “this family needs a dumbass-ectomy”…quality pun content there.