Five Things From: The Owl House 3×2, For The Future

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 3 episode 2 of The Owl House, For the Future. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Perspective

I really like how they chose to begin this episode. Similar to the prior episode, they took us back to that moment in the finale where Luz and King were separated with Luz being transported into the human realm. However, unlike the last two times we have seen this sequence, we stayed with King after Luz had gone and saw how he was left to be the one who had the unenviable job of keeping the Collector from causing absolute chaos. How King took on that responsibility highlighted just how much he has developed as a character and how he has grown so much since being introduced as potentially unlikeable comic relief.

2. Toys

The Collector seemingly has almost unlimited power but one of his favourite uses seems to be turning those who disobey him into toys and puppets. Sure it isn’t the most subtlest of visual metaphors (he sees the inhabitants of the Boiling Isles as nothing more than his playthings) but it really hammers home how much power and control the Collector now has.

3. Willow

Through Willow, we all were reminded of how holding things in and being the “reliable one” all of the time can cause you to damage yourself in the process. The subplot kind of rumbled on under the surface and climaxed in a way that didn’t get in the way too much of any of the key plot points. It is like they wanted to include it but not in an overly major way. It worked fine though and helped me to understand Willow more. Also, we now know not to get on her bad side because when she says that she is going to punch someone through their face, she didn’t mis-speak and mean in; she meant through!

4. Odalia

Nothing brings you more joy than seeing a power-hungry character you dislike get knocked down a peg or two. They might not have the worst fate, but you know it really has to sting for them. That’s why I was left with a massive grin on my face when I saw what had become of Amity’s self-serving mother. She had essentially become the Collector’s maid and it was a brilliantly fitting punishment for her.

5. Hatched

Finally Luz’s Palisman hatched and it was a unique type of creature that emerged. The creature was named a snake shifter and the name was rather fitting as it was essentially a snake that can shapeshift. It’d better watch out though as apparently Hooty…and King…and Eda could try to eat it!

Five Things From: The Owl House 2×19, Oh Titan Where Art Thou?

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things From. This time we are looking back at season 2 episode 19 of The Owl House, Oh Titan Where Art Thou? Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. Oh Hooty

Oh what naïve optimism poor Hooty has. When him, Luz and King arrived back from their trip, there were now wanted posters for each of them put up by the emperor’s coven. Hooty bless him thought they had put up pretty posters of them because everyone had missed them so much. Unfortunately not Hooty.

2. Should She Say?

Initially Eda had no intention of telling Luz that she had no plan to go against Belos. I get that she didn’t want to upset Luz but she was definitely leading her to believe that there was actually a plan. It was one of those times where she technically wasn’t lying but she was not being straightforward with the truth. It led to a very emotional scene later where Eda openly admitted that her plan was to keep Luz and King safe and was fully prepared to sacrifice herself to do so.

3. Guard Banter

Something I always have a soft spot for in movies and tv shows is the light-hearted banter that the villain’s guards and henchmen have with one another. It makes them more human and relatable, highlighting how they are just there as a job rather than being fully invested in their leader’s cause. We saw one guard moaning about having to work a double shift and couldn’t wait until the day after the day of unity so he can have a rest.

4. Darius

Finding out that Darius is actually a good guy willing to fight against the Emperor made me way too happy. Now I can properly root for him!

5. Steve

The whole subplot with King and Steve didn’t really work; it just felt too random. Why would King trust this guy. He came out of nowhere and it just all felt rushed and out of nowhere. The stuff with Lilith treating King differently that led into the Steve stuff was rather clunky too. There would have been much better ways to have King deal with his new found history than this.

Five Things From: The Owl House 2×14, Reaching Out

Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of Five Things from. This time we will be looking back at season 2 episode 14 of The Owl House, Reaching Out. Which five things stood out and for what reasons? Let’s take a closer look…

  1. What a List

Luz had a to do list at the beginning of the episode and let’s just say it was very adventurous. It contained, “make a new portal to the human realm, learn All the glyphs and essentially what boiled down to defeating the Emperor or at least getting some answers out of him”. A good to do list has at least some quick wins and more manageable goals. You need to be able to cross things off of it pretty regularly to stay motivated. 😅

2. No Beating around the Bush

He didn’t appear in this episode in the flesh, but the short cameo via the wizard messaging app got the Golden Guard a spot in this article. When Luz straight up asked him if he was leaving the Emperor’s Coven and was “good now”, he unsurprisingly did not give her a straight answer. The likelihood of that working was minute surely. She did get a cute picture of his Palismen even if he did send it to her by mistake. And no, that is not a euphemism.

3. Jewels

Both of Amity’s siblings had concealment jewels that created an illusion over them so that they appear more conventionally attractive. Surely this does not help with self-esteem and self-love for the young adult in the Boiling Isles. You have to imagine that so many of the teens use them at school and it is everybody presenting a façade rather than showing people their true self. Either that or it just helps with people who can’t be bothered to groom and dress in the morning.

4. Fighter Names

We didn’t see too much of the Bonesborough Brawl but we did get to see both Luz and Amity compete a little bit. Luz’s opponent has to win the award for best fighter name though as he was referred to as “The Flexecutioner”. What a name, flexing those muscles whilst executing folk.

5. Sweet Ending

The end of the episode was quite poignant as we learnt that it was the anniversary of Luz’s father passing away. Her and Amity shared a sweet moment at the end and we saw Luz’s mum remembering the anniversary too. The episode ended their on a sad note which still left you with a little smile on your face. Unexpected but sweet.