Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood episode 62 discussion: A Fierce Counter-attack

Hello everyone and welcome to another FMAB catchup with episode 62, and this impressive run of episodes looks like it’s just going to keep going all the way to the end (and there are only two episodes left! What!) Father had made it back to surface level, showing off by restoring humans who he had absorbed in retaliation to a damn good line from Hoenhiem, calling Father a dead end rather than a perfect state of evolution. As good a line as it was though, “this is no time for a pissing contest to see who’s in charge” just tops it.

Olivier was on form despite her injury and was not happy about having to sit this one out. But the fact that she did and gave Alex a pep talk showed how their bond has strengthened over the course of the show. It was good to see her get her moment stood over Bradley’s body too.

As great as it was to see the Briggs soldiers burst into action, you knew they were going to have little affect on the battle. Father was just to strong but it was great to see that fighting spirit didn’t waver. Everyone just kept going and going at Father, slowly draining his power and it was brilliant to see everyone pulling together. Even a blind Mustang being guided by Hawkeye got a few shots in (and that pose with those two and Alex was cool as hell). Greed does some real damage and tricks everyone, including me, into thinking that Father had the upper hand. It was all a ruse though which was a relief as I really didn’t want to lose Ling/Greed at this point.

Al took the worst of it though: he got his whole front ripped off! Things only got worse from there though as he sacrificed his armour body (and any chance to continue to fight) to restore his brother’s missing arm. For a second I though Al’s sacrifice would mean he died so I was very pleased when he returned back to his original body. He’s still trapped though so now he just has to sit and wait to be rescued. Between that and everyone cheering Ed on, the show had me tearing up a bit! We ended on a sad note too as we found out that all Greed really wanted was to have friends. He better not sacrifice himself! I’ll just have to wait until the next episode to find out exactly what happens.

DD Rating: 9/10

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